Herbal Studies at the Rockpile
We offer two herbal programs from May – August every summer
Learn Basic Wildcrafting or Advanced Medicine Making
Basic Wildcrafting Classes
Introduction to Medicinal Plants and their Uses
Class Series- May 26 , June 9 & 23, July 7 & 21, August 4 & 18, 2025 Monday evenings from 5:30pm – 9:30pm
These Beginner's Wildcrafting classes teach you to identify medicinal plants and how to apply them in healing. Students will learn how to grow herbs in their own garden, how to identify herbs in the wild, and how to craft their own easy to use herbal remedies. Each week we will focus on a different topic and learn to make either tinctures, salves, infused oils, infused honey, creams, teas, or oxymels.
Tuition $750 for seven 4 hour classes, includes text book, herb starts, harvest bag, botany plant walk and all materials.- includes the herbals you make and a harvest bag, all materials provided. Take home what you make!
Register Now!
There are only 8 spots available.
Register Online or contact Jackie for more info

Advanced Medicine Making Program
From wildcrafting to witchcraft- weekend intensive for herbalists wanting to expand their knowledge
Course Consists of two 6 hour classes, 10am- 4pm August 29th & 30th 2025
This program is designed for wildcrafters who are ready for the next step into Herbalism. Classes will focus on matching herbs to body systems, plant energetics and classification, the science of formula making, and diet and nutrition.
The classes will be held August 29th & 30th 2025
Tuition $550, includes text book and all materials needed
Register Now!
There are only 8 spots available in this informative and life changing program.